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Categorizing Confusions…

Just wanted to give my little brain some rest by squeezing out all the worries
on paper—rather on ‘Word Doc’… starts here …
Nowadays I am opining, it would have been probably good if I thought less….

Ordered disorders and qualms follow:

 “Everyday type”…
Over - what to wear, when, with what accessories, among which type of crowd …
Over - how to start, what to write, what I m confused about…
Also, over - what to write while sending some documents to the manager…and the stuff is
         reframed  numerous times…
Over - which friend to call, finally none and then this one lands in “stern” type..
Over - my access card so I hunt it in my bag almost daily on walk to workplace,  to finally
          “discover”, probably it fell from the chair and escaped my mind..
Over - how to say ‘No’ to a flat mate when she will mistreat my belongings..  so mean of me …


Over - what to talk to people I meet the first time, second or more…
Over - how to mingle with colleagues who doubt you from the first day..
Over - how to reduce weight – eat less /work more, both are beyond me..
Over - how to invoke interest in studies to become a master of philosophy asap…
Over – how to convince the new generation of old family members, I am not after
            hottest gadgets but joy..


Over - how to convince parents about the facts they won’t believe..
Over - how to translate ambitions into terms approachable to kith and kin..
Over – how to keep the old friendships alive…
Over- where I am heading…

Hope I could instigate some of your brain muscles  :P …
This one will fall under crap... Hoping not to write more stuff of this nature…….


  1. you have listed some of the those points which I guess everyone of us has to think about daily...but none of us would have ever really thought about what we're thinking...maybe we're in a habit of taking it as granted...

    I'm sure everyone who will read this post will be forced to rethink about him/her... :)

    nice post...

  2. So, first prose.......
    Now that you have started writing prose, you have added one more topic on your confusion list.... when you think of writing about something, whether to write it in prose/poetry... ;)

  3. Nice style of penning down everyday thoughts in an interesting manner!It's good to think about things you can change( what you are doin )rather than what you can't (which I generally do)....Keep writing..can relate with your posts..:)


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