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When u are in love,
U have wings like dove,

Two hearts fly,
In togetherness sky,

Even when together,
Are lost in each other,

The most beautiful feeling,
Full of care and healing...

Through eyes they touch,
Feel the depth of “how much”…

Someone is concerned day and night,
And assure you ‘everything will be alright’,

Be it gibberish or essential,
Would listen to your tales,
With the joy of being themselves,
They flow in dream dales..,

Bounded by adoration,
Driven by contentment,
No airy speculation,
Enjoying tiffs over disagreement..

If he/she turned your soul mate,
You are more than just fortunate,
Eye to eye on every affair,
Fewer squabbles more share…

From strangers to good friends,
Holding hand in hand…
Gradually become the best gift of lifeJ,
Lot more than just husband wifeJJ...


  1. Nice poem...
    Good to see you with a positive note...

  2. So sweet chotu.. Thats how you console yourself "a lot more than just husband wife" hmm.. :)

    a lot more than just husband wife
    still hoping for a better gift from life
    though standing at the edge of a knife
    and waiting for the decision to turn by your side

    deep inside the devil's eye
    searching for a shack in disguise
    where love would be standing high
    higher than the momentary pride

    equating it with the life of wise
    expanding it's unreal premise
    and forgetting the real value
    of the emotions and feelings
    handing it to the selfish world
    and asking for heelings

    from people
    who wont let you survive
    who wont let you revive
    from people
    who shuffle
    and are ready to kill you
    you, the "couple" :")

  3. @Ak : :)

    @ Shivam :Baap re!! Amazed at your response !!

    Aggressive dude, keep writing !!


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